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Our Programs

We offer a range of programs for different age groups. 

Toddlers – (2 years – 3 years)

You might wonder how teachers at Bankhill Educare plan learning experiences for Toddlers;

We at Bankhill Educare plan High-Quality Hands on Play Programs (1:5 teacher child ratio) in an appropriate manner to provide challenging activities which are not too hard or too easy—something toddlers can do with a little help. We further choose materials, activities, and strategies in a more meaningful manner;

  • What most toddlers need and what they are interested in —like moving and being active throughout the day with a lot of hands on, trial and error and imaginary play activities.

  • What individual toddlers need—Planning activities on an individual basis.. if they show interest in painting, to provide paint, paper and brushes to develop their aesthetic skill.

Teachers focus on four major areas of your child's development:

infant  care

Physical Development​

Toddlers love to move— Run, climb, jump, dance… We prepare gross motor activities for children based on their interest. These activities take place both indoors and outdoors. We also provide materials and activities that interest children to develop their fine motor skills such as painting, free drawing, craft activities

Social and Emotional Development​

Our teachers model behaviors like sharing and apologizing so toddlers can learn by example. They give your child opportunities to try new social skills and to try doing things for themselves. Teachers encourage children and help them express their feelings in positive, healthy ways.

Thinking (cognitive) Development​

Cognitive development is the ability to make sense of the world around them. It includes memory, language, thinking, and reasoning. Classrooms are set up so toddlers can learn how to solve problems by sorting objects, doing puzzles, taking things apart and fitting them back together, pattern making, construction activities. We offer children a range of activities and experiences that inspire and challenge them, from building on their curiosity.

Language Development​

Our teachers spend a lot of time talking to children so that they learn how words should sound and how conversations go back and forth. We make sure we ask a lot of Open-Ended questions from the kids, so they get the opportunity to think and answer  and also to build conversation. We read books with simple stories and use songs, rhymes, and finger plays that have repeating patterns.

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